Emailmarketing Tips

When it comes to Emailmarketing, we've been there, done that, now serving 31 tips in 17 categories ranging from Association ENewsLetters to Your Programīs Mission .

How Do I Implement A Mainstreet USA ENewsletter?

Mainstreet USA ENewsletter

An Internet marketing strategy we use is our "Mainstreet USA" Flyers! They feature 15-20 non-competitive businesses such as restaurants, retail stores, pet stores, etc. complete with your Bank's logo, a summary of their business and a link to your flyer.

How Do I Set Up A Bank ENewsletter?

Bank E Newsletter

A large number of your bank customers have email addresses and are willing to give them to you! Imagine using email marketing to dramatically increase your businsess... it could mean tens of thousands of dollars more for your bank business each month!

How Do I Outline My Goals?

Your Goals

Write up your goals on a piece of paper. A good start is: I am going to have a functional website by (date).
I am dveloping an ENewsletter program to start by (date). I am prepared to spend ($ amount) an I want to have an ROI of ($ amount).

How Do I Develop My Plan?

Develop Your Plan

Before you do anything else, develop your plan! Decide for yourself if and how EMarketing fits in your overall plan. Do you have a website? How will you develop your database? What are you going to say in your ENewsletters? Your overall plan should include a section that says:" The Mission of our EMarketing program is................., etc."

How Do I Keep Getting Better At It?

Keep Improving

Practice makes perfect! One of the advantages of the Internet is that if you don't like something today you can have a new campaign tomorrow. Keep doing it until your customers love it!!

Am I Doing The Right Thing?

Doing he Right Thing

Always keep track of whether you're doing the right thing. Does your eMarketing program fit in with your overall program? Is your web site updated? Are your ENewsletters effctive? How should you improve your offers? Always keep asking yourself the tough questions!

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Byron White